Building A Barn? Here’s What To Consider Before You Start

Build a Barn

Building a barn is no easy task and a very intense kind of work. You will need to put in a sufficient amount of time for research and development. Nonetheless, planning a project of this scale should be done carefully and every factor should be well thought of and considered. In this blog, we discuss the basics of building a barn from ground zero, safety measures, and things to consider.


Things to Consider in Building A Barn

Things To Consider In Building A Barn

Typically, the weather in states like Oklahoma and Texas is very humid during the summer, and extremely cold during the winter. These extremes can bring about a lot of dirt and other natural elements that may negative effects. Having said that, here are some of the things we think are essential when building one:

The Planning Process

Consult a licensed contractor in your area for this step. Tell everything from your specifications, your intended purpose, the design, cost, equipment, and location of your site. For example, if you are going to use it as a garage, you should have it close to the road for easier access. Be sure to include in the plan the drainage system should be excellent most especially for livestock sheds. Also, take into consideration ventilation, windows, doors, natural lighting, and feed storage if you are taking care of horses.


How much is it gonna cost? Keep in mind that this is one of the major things you have to think of. If you have a huge budget, you should go for something big. Imagine if you only constructed a 2-stall horse shed, and then a friend comes in and asks you to take care of her horses. This is a good opportunity to offset your horse expenses and save too, right? But the thing is, you have to recall your contractor and have them install a new stall. This means additional costs on your end.

Barn Type and Purpose

What are you going to use it for? Depending on your purpose, there are specific types that will suit your needs. The construction can be a horse barn, farm storage for hay, a garage, post-frame, or a multipurpose housing structure.

Materials and Foundation

Concrete foundations are more expensive and take a longer time. Consider pole barns or modular barns that do not use concrete as a foundation. Always take into consideration what is going to be used. Are they economical? Should I have a steel roof or not? Post and beam give off a more rustic feel.

Time Frame

Are you pressed for time? You should always think about how long it will take to finish building the structure. You have to schedule it properly so that if you are preparing for the winter, you can always schedule it months before winter arrives. Also, the type of material will also give you an idea of how long it will take. If you choose wood over metal, construction will be faster and more efficient.


Look into your city or state’s building codes. Can you build a barn without a permit? Things like that. Texas and Oklahoma have very accommodating laws when it comes to building barns. Depending on the size of your structure, that will spell out if you are going to need permits. If it is relatively small, there will be no need for a permit.

Barn Contractor In Oklahoma And Texas

All of the things mentioned above are some of the things a builder considers. If you are going to ask us, we prefer pole barns more because of their affordability and, given to the right hands, can also be as sturdy as steel. In the future, when you finally decide that you want to build your own barn, feel free to contact us at Wolf Barns. If you have a vacant property and don’t know what to do with it, let us help you decide. Feel free to give us a call at 800-519-9653

Final Words

We hope that this post provided the necessary considerations to build a barn. Thank you for reading!


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